Meeting Information.

General Meetings for all members are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Breakfast Point Community Hall, beginning at 10.00am.

Members are invited to arrive from 9.30am to chat, catch up with friends or select a book from the book exchange.

The format generally is:

  • 09.30 Arrive, pick up and wear your badge and catch up with other members
  • 10.00 Meeting starts
  • 10.45 Morning tea provided
  • 11.15 Guest speaker
  • 12.00 Guest speaker finishes and members help store the furniture.

Please don’t forget to return your badge on the way out of the Hall.

After each meeting there is usually a lunch booking at the Country Club. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy the chat and food. The Guest Speaker often attends the lunch too.

If you are an apology for a meeting, please fill in the Meeting Apology form on the sidebar of this page. 

If you would like to invite a guest please contact the Membership Officer .

Meeting Apology Form


    For roster changes or to volunteer as a reserve, please contact our Hospitality Officer Margaret B. at a meeting.

    • 14th March– Margaret Cr, Julie Br.
    • 11th April – Joan Den, Helen B.      
    • 9th May – Patty Hu; Helen Sm
    • 13th June – Ronda; Margaret N. 
    • 11th July – Betty O’N, Sue D.
    • 8th August  – Helena B, Lyn Sm
    • 12th September – Cathy Sa, Jill L.
    • 10th October– Aileen Wh, Anne Bu.
    • 14th November– Dianne Bl, Wendy Sch.
    • 12th December – Christmas Lunch TBC
    • 9th January – BBQ- Sausage Sizzle
    • 13th February –  Maria Pl, Helen B.

    Membership Enquiry

      Membership Expression of Interest Form 2024 Breakfast Point Probus Club

      Event Registration

        Membership Enquiry

          Membership Expression of Interest Form 2024 Breakfast Point Probus Club

          Meeting Apology Form