Committee Roles


Click on a Role below to show details


1. Work together to support the Club.
2. Be familiar with the Constitution and Standing Resolutions.
3. Know about and where to locate club policies and protocols.
4. Encourage all members to nominate for positions and volunteer to help others.

1. Be familiar with the constitution, by-laws and standing resolutions and have a copy available for reference at all meetings.
2. Provide leadership and direction to the Management Committee to ensure the Club embodies the true spirit of Probus - friendship, fellowship and fun.
3. Chair and conduct meetings, ensuring there is an agenda and meetings run on time.
4. Meet and greet members, guests and visitors to the Club.
5. Ensure that Committee recommendations that require membership approval are brought to the membership for decision.
6. Implement a succession plan for all Management Committee positions.

  1. Be able to step in and chair the meeting and understand protocols for motions, debate, discussions and voting.
  2. Work closely with the President to become familiar with the role and responsibilities.
  3. Act for and run meetings in the President’s absence.
  4. Work with other Committee members to understand their roles, support them and cover in the case of absences if required.
  5. Ensure that the hall will be open and sound equipment in situ for each meeting.
  6. Assist the Junior Vice President with the Christmas function organisation.
  7. Organise the September and January BBQs with assistance from the Junior Vice-President.
  1. Be able to step in and chair the meeting and understand protocols for motions, debate/discussions and voting.
  2. Work closely with the Senior Vice President to become familiar with the role and responsibilities.
  3. Act for and run meetings where the President and Senior Vice President are absent.
  4. Work with other Committee members to understand roles, support them and cover in the case of absences if required.
  5.  Help the hall set up team if necessary before meetings and help the Treasurer money if required.
  6. Work as front of house during meetings – crowd control, manage morning tea and any business from the hall (microphone etc).
  7. Ensure the clearing of the hall at the end of the meeting.
  8. Organise the Christmas function (Senior Vice-President to assist)..

1. Prepare Agenda and Minutes for Committee, General and Annual General Meetings for distribution to Committee Members and members as needed.
2. Collect mail from the Club’s post box at Concord West Post Office.
3. Manage incoming and outgoing correspondence.
4. Complete the annual return to PSPL by 30 April each year and arrange payment of fees in conjunction with the Treasurer.
5. Distribute PSPL correspondence to Committee Members and follow-up on any action required.
6. Keep an up-to-date list of PSPL details (Rotary District, Club and Incorporated Numbers).
7. Manage archiving according to the Club Archiving Policy.
8. Submit the statement of Financial Affairs to Fair Trading within 30 days of the AGM.


  1. Manage Club finances by recording, checking EFTs and banking of any funds collected.
  2. Manage the Club bank account and payments.
  3. Liaise with Outings Coordinator and Outings Convenors re. members' payments and attending numbers.
  4. Balance Club finances and provide detailed monthly reports to the Management Committee.
  5. Submit a summary Treasurer's Report to members prior for approval at monthly General meetings.
  6. Liaise with Secretary to arrange annual payments required by PSPL.
  7. Prepare a budget for the following year in conjunction with the Management Committee that includes a proposed annual subscription and joining fee.
  8. Finalise the annual accounts and arrange for the audit to be done.
  9. Maintain an up-to-date list of Club assets with Committee assistance.

1. Build an Outings Team to research varied Outings for day trips, dinners, theatre, tours etc.
2. Seek suggestions from Club members for outings of interest to members.
3. Submit Outing proposals to the Committee for approval before promoting to members through newsletters, meetings and the website.
4. In conjunction with the organiser budget to ensure all Outings are cost recovered, liaise with the Treasurer on money collected and payments made.

5. Accept bookings and payments for Outings at Probus meetings and online.
6. Before an Outing, the organiser will email those attending with details of the leader, the point of contact, start and finish times, any variations to those advertised, transport details etc.
7. Ask an attendee to write a short article for the newsletter together with a few photos.
8. Keep a list of outing details for future reference.

1. Maintain a register database of member details and addresses which is updated annually after the AGM.
2. Distribute the membership list to members and to PSPL.
3. Purchase name badges for new members and outing badges if ordered by individuals
4. Have name badges available at each meeting and maintain a record of attendance.
5. Email club correspondence to members e.g. notice of meetings, agendas, minutes and newsletters using the Club distribution list.
6. Keep member details and statistical analysis for archives.

1. Organise, approach and liaise with interesting Speakers for monthly meetings.
2. Present speaker proposals for Committee recommendation before advertising to members.
3. Organise Guest Speaker requirements before meetings e.g. projector, computer, microphone etc.
4. Greet and introduce each Speaker; organise a gift; and approach a Club member to thank and present the gift to the speaker.
5. Accompany the Speaker to lunch (if appropriate) at the Country Club.
6. Maintain register of past and potential speakers and their contact details for future reference.
7. Arrange for a member to write a summary of the presentation for the newsletter.
8. Liaise with other Probus Clubs on speaker recommendations and contact details when required.

1. Liaise with Interest Group Convenors on attendance, participation, visitor protocols.
2. Maintain attendance data base and records for insurance purposes.
3. Maintain and manage forms and actions for accident/injury during an outing or group activity.
4. Report on Interest Groups to the Management Committee and to members at meetings.
5. Monitor attendance and participation rates.
6. Ask members for interests and suggestions on proposed new Interest Groups.
7. Encourage participation, especially by new members and by organising articles and photos in the newsletter that focus on different groups and their activities.
8. Ensure the website is updated to include the name of each Interest Group, the contact person and the meeting details.

9. Encourage formation of new Groups and Convenors

  1. Edit a regular newsletter, ensuring content is provided for each edition.
  2. Liaise with the committee and Webteam re. edits and additions to website.
  3. Arrange renewal of software licenses, web hosting and domain name as they come due.
  4. Keep track of housing of Club’s computers, equipment and projector.
  5. Provide backup to Membership Officer re. emailing to members where necessary.
  6. Prepare the Annual Report with input from all Committee Members.
  1. Provide leadership on health and welfare matters to the Care and Support working team.
  2. Coordinate ‘contact’ between the Committee, team members, the Member and/or family and friends.
  3. Work with the Membership Officer and President after a bereavement to send email notice to members and to consult family about the Club providing flowers or donating to a charity the family elects.
  4. Maintain and organise personalised Club cards to be sent to members/families in need.
  5. Offer suggestions for support which could be provided and would be welcomed by a member.
  6. Consider welfare initiatives with the Management Committee before seeking member support.
  7. Follow the requirements of the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the Club Privacy Policy.
  1. Participate as a voting member of the Management Committee (ex-officio capacity).
  2. Offer support and advice to the President and Committee or members when asked.
  3. Assist succession planning by encouraging members to volunteer for management

Membership Enquiry

    Membership Expression of Interest Form 2024 Breakfast Point Probus Club

    Event Registration

      Membership Enquiry

        Membership Expression of Interest Form 2024 Breakfast Point Probus Club

        Meeting Apology Form