Helmut Buss, Ron Schmid, Stephen Britten
The first Club Committee
Ron Schmid, the first Club President
Voting at the inaugural meeting.

Probus Clubs cater for retired and semi-retired people and were formed as a Rotary community service in Britain in 1965. Probus in Australia is established under the framework provided by Probus South Pacific Limited.

On Thursday April 14, 2011, the Breakfast Point Rotary Club sponsored the Foundation Meeting of the Probus Club of Breakfast Point. The Probus Club of Breakfast Point offers friendship, fellowship, and fun to all members. The inaugural meeting was attended by 89 members and Stephen Britten from Breakfast Point Rotary Club (see photos above, plus others in 2011 Photo Gallery).

Rotarian Helmut Buss, the Incoming District Probus Chairman District 9680, spoke about the history and achievements of Rotary International and the role and growth of Probus worldwide.

Within three months membership grew to 157, special interest groups started, and trips went to Leura, Old Government House Parramatta and Hyde Park Barracks. 

By the first AGM membership was over 200 and a cap of 248 was set. In one year, the Club had proven to be a valuable community asset. Members commented on how many more people they knew through their involvement with Probus, and how they have enjoyed “fun, fellowship and friendship” through their participation in meetings and the many activities and the diverse groups on offer. Membership is now 250 members and, as the Club had reached capacity by 2013, a second club, The Cabarita/Breakfast Point Probus Club, formed in 2014 to help meet the need.

During Covid members kept in contact through online meetings, newsletters and interest groups and some, like Cycling, Investment, Book Clubs and Art, continued throughout.

There remains a large expression of interest list for membership in both the local Clubs.

Membership Enquiry

    Membership Expression of Interest Form 2024 Breakfast Point Probus Club

    Event Registration

      Membership Enquiry

        Membership Expression of Interest Form 2024 Breakfast Point Probus Club

        Meeting Apology Form