General Meeting speakers

Since inception our Club has been entertained and educated by a great range of talented speakers. Many of them have been recommended by members.

If you know of an engaging speaker whose subject, you think would interest our members please submit your suggestion by filling out the adjacent form and pressing “Submit”. Your recommendation will be sent directly to the Club’s Speaker Coordinator.

PLEASE NOTE: The Probus Club of Breakfast Point has a policy that speakers must primarily be educational, entertaining or factual/historical. We are cautious of speakers wishing to promote their services or selling a product, but also accept that they may wish to offer a book or similar, related to their presentation, for sale at the end of the meeting.


Feb      Noel Phelan – The Sinking of the Costa Concordia

April     Ken Enderby – Climate Change

May      Gary Raymond – A Cop Off The Beat

June     Max Hitchins – Develop a Memory Like an Elephant

July      David Rosenberg – Pine Gap

Aug      David Stewart – The Life of Phillip Parker King 

Oct       Rod Stowe – Consumer Protection

Nov      Julian Droogan – Far Right Terrorism

Guest Speakers 2024

Feb      Max Kitchens-Develop Memory Like An Elephant

April     Mike Munro -Experiences of a TV journalist and                  presenter 

May      Phelan- The Halvorsen Story

June     Deb Wallace – What Do You Know About Drugs ?

July      Trish Skehan – Local History of Yaralla and                          Rivendell

Aug      Judge Kylie – The Family Court Of Australia

Oct       Unknown Speaker – Concord Hospital

Nov      Julian Droogen – Far Right Terrorism-  A sequel to              his presentation in 2023 

Speaker suggestion form

    Membership Enquiry

      Membership Expression of Interest Form 2024 Breakfast Point Probus Club

      Event Registration

        Membership Enquiry

          Membership Expression of Interest Form 2024 Breakfast Point Probus Club

          Meeting Apology Form