
Breakfast Point Probus Club Outings  Policy

Bookings are made through the Outing Co-ordinator, the individual convenor or at meetings.  Members have priority for outings. If vacancies occur members may be able to invite guests. The Club has extended insurance to cover guests and non-members attending Club organised tours and activities.

Booking Enquiries

Email the Outings Co-Ordinator on:  outings@probusbp.org OR contact the individual convenor. The name of each convenor is included on the Outings Snapshot sent out prior to each monthly meeting. Their contact details are also in your member directory.

For each outing on the website the convenor is identified by first name and last initial. No personal details are published for privacy and security reasons.

Registeand pay as soon as the Outing is advertised. If an outing is filled, the organiser may set up a waiting list. Payments are generally required two months in advance. Some payments may be requested earlier in order to secure a firm booking. In the event of insufficient numbers for an outing to proceed, payments will be refunded. 

Payment  – preferably by EFT or Bank Deposit.

EFT and Bank Deposit details:  Commonwealth Bank, Concord Bank Account: Probus Club of Breakfast Point
BSB: 062-145  Acct No: 1022 5641
The reference field to include surname, first name initial/s and the Outing Reference (from the Outing advertisement). 

Cheques made payable to the Probus Club of Breakfast Point should be placed in a Probus completed Probus envelope and handed in at a meeting. Cash is not accepted.

Refunds will be made where possible. However this may be dependent on the payment requirements of third parties OR if a replacement can be found.

A Probus Injury and Accident Form is on the Policy and Forms page or available from the secretary@probusbp.org

Membership Enquiry

    Membership Expression of Interest Form 2024 Breakfast Point Probus Club

    Event Registration

      Membership Enquiry

        Membership Expression of Interest Form 2024 Breakfast Point Probus Club

        Meeting Apology Form